YWCA Kitsap County operates the A.L.I.V.E. (Alternatives to Living in a Violent Environment) Domestic Violence Emergency Shelter Program – the only state-certified domestic violence shelter in Kitsap County. The 13-bed confidential shelter provides emergency living and support to individuals and families fleeing an immediately dangerous situation for up to 30days – sometimes longer depending on the need. Although it is communal living, the shelter is structured in a way that permits women and children to reside within the shelter.
While in the shelter, guests have access to a Domestic Violence Advocate 24/7 as well as several supportive services such as crisis intervention, safety planning, civil and criminal legal advocacy, housing advocacy, weekly facilitated support group services, childcare, 24-hour advocacy, case management, and community resources and program referrals. Basic necessities such as food and hygiene products are provided by YWCA or acquired through donations from community supporters. Cultural accommodations such as food and beverages are provided as needed and requested to provide a culturally sensitive and affirming atmosphere for guests.
YWCA provides a trauma-informed environment and approach to services. All guests receive ongoing case management to assess needs and create a plan for next steps in centering safety. This includes building on the resiliency of survivors through YWCA programs, empowerment-based advocacy, and identifying individual pathways for healing.
YWCA Kitsap County centers the safety of shelter guests and advocates. YWCA partners with local law enforcement, hospitals, healthcare providers, and other social service agencies to coordinate the safe transportation of survivors in need of shelter. Security protocols are in place to protect the confidential location of the shelter and the identities of guests. If there is a risk to safety, advocates will identify a safer alternative for the person seeking emergency shelter.